Our New Signature Treatment
Meridians Tissues Manipulation (MTM), is a unique deep facial massage that blends the Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) wisdom of meridians, acupuncture points and chi (vital life force energy) with the modern knowledge of muscular fascia. Using the water buffalo horns and hands, the MTM therapy targets all 12 meridian channels to affect the three key elements of the body—one's chi, health and beauty.
Chi circulation is crucial for the body to maintain its optimal functionality and comfort. Often caused by clogged pathways, chi disruptions lead to aches, numbness and in severe cases even pain. MTM helps to relieve these blockages in order to restore the active circulation of chi thereby revitalising the body as a whole.
Health is an indiscriminately crucial aspect of daily life. It is also ultimately the result of a functioning body system in line with the 12 meridian channels. In caring for these together, one can constantly achieve good health and ensure that the body performs its functions efficiently.
Beauty is said to resonate from within. This is true, especially when it is seen from the perspective of chi. A deficiency here affects many external characteristics from complexion to weight and even hair quality. Hence, to ignore the importance of chi is to neglect our outer looks as well.
Experience this new treatment at only $68 (face), $68 (body), $68 (leg)
Signature MTM Face Therapy 60 mins Firm facial muscles by achieving a V-Shape Helps de-puffs the face by reducing water retention Reduces the appearance of fine lines Unknots tissue blockages in the face Reduce the occurrence of constant migraines Best Complete with A CACI Non-Surgical Face Lift for better results. |